Hello you lovely lot,
As we have just reached the end of our second full month of trading, we thought this would be a great opportunity to take a step back, reflect on the whirlwind of the last couple of months and let you all know what is in store for the future!
To briefly look back on our first couple of months… We have the strange sensation of the time flying by, while at the same time feeling that we have been here for ages, and that is thanks to you! We have been blown away by the continued support of our local community, you are simply the best (thanks Tina…) and you are the reason we get out of bed in the morning. Your support has made us more ambitious than ever to keep evolving the shop into something truly special that serves all of our community.
So, here is what we are planning to do over the next few months to help get us there…
… Alcohol! Yes, that’s right - booze, loads of it! Christmas is going to be an interesting one this year and we’re thinking that people will probably be in need of delicious craft beers, ales, ciders, organic/ natural wines and of course some spirits to keep us warm through the winter months. Some of you may have noticed our little blue sign in the window which hopefully means we should have our license within the next month or so. It will be a hard task to sample all of the alcohol on your behalf, but someone has to do it…
Next - growing the Sans Store team! Being open seven days a week and it just being the two of us (oh, and Cloé is still teaching full time!), has been a little hectic to say the least. We have loved every minute of it and it has been a masterclass in how to run a shop, which has been useful as this was all totally new of us! Needless to say our current operating model isn’t very sustainable...
That’s why we are now on the look out for some help in store and you are the first to hear about this! That’s right - breaking news right here! If you or anyone you know (over the age of 18) has relevant experience and is interested in some part time work, please do get in touch (hello@sansstore.co.uk). With a bigger team we then intend to sort out the logistics around deliveries, which is now more important than ever, given the pandemic we find ourselves living through.
Looking ahead into the New Year, we’re keen to start to looking at ways to help us all reduce our plastic consumption. So the plan is to introduce a refillable section in store. We are yet to thrash out the exact details of this but we think by starting with refillable cleaning items (laundry detergent, washing up liquid etc.) and cosmetics, would be a good way to broaden our offering and make us a more convenient destination for the community. We’ll keep you all updated with the progress on this and will be sure to take all the feedback we can get in store!
Oh, just one last thing… We will be doing Christmas hampers! These will be packed full of local produce and a delicious treats to spoil your nearest and dearest with, and don’t we all need it this year! More updates will follow on this.
Keep safe and well,
Max & Cloé (Sans Store team)